Results for 'gauxrhawm: gauxrhi:'Results for 'gauxrhawm: gauxrhi:'

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gauxrhawm: gauxrhi: [mgāex hrom mgāex hri] /ga̤ɯʔ rʰɔm ga̤ɯʔ rʰi/  vs. ပျော်ရွှင်-၊ ဝမ်းမြောက်-၊ ဝမ်းသာ-၊ ချမ်းမြေ့- 高高兴兴,欢欢喜喜 gāogaoxìngxing, huānhuanxǐxi happy, delighted, joyful.   sigaux rhawm: sigaux rhi: [var.].

Entries retrieved: 1.