Number of Versions: 3    Show Notes
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There are two Ripenings -
one - of sight -
Whose forces Spheric
Until the Velvet product
Drops spicy to the
ground -
A homelier maturing -
A process in the Bur -
That teeth of Frosts
alone disclose
In far October Air.

There are two Ripenings
one of sight
Whose forces spheric
Until the velvet product
Drop spicy to the
Ground -
A homelier maturing -
A process in Bur.
That Teeth of of
Frosts alone disclose
On far October Air -

There are two Ripenings -
One - of Sight - whose Forces
spheric + round wind
Until the Velvet Product
Drop, spicy, to the Ground -

A Homelier - maturing -
A Process in the Bur -
+ Which Teeth of Frosts,
alone disclose -
+ In + still October Air - + far - + that Teeth + on far -